Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Can't eat, can't sleep

For the past few weeks I haven't been able to fall asleep at night...so lame.

So here I am, blogging my brains out instead.

My whole system has felt out of wack since I arrived and I have yet to ever get on a consistent schedule; this is the life of a college student.  I have also found myself to be stuck:  stuck in my improvement of ASL, not feeling excited about meeting new people and not expressing my creativity.  What an unfortunate place.  I am ready to get back into the game and throw in a few punches... so what do I do?  I make lists.  Lists of improvement for this week and the future.

From now on:
-I will not skip class. I have skipped several classes, several times and...I should probably stop and get motivated.
-I will choose to sit with Deaf people at dinner.  I am SUCH a hearing person!  I confine to my own, comfortable group by daily sitting with the hearing friends that I see on a regular basis.  No wonder I'm not improving my ASL.
-I will start bringing my camera with me everywhere I go.  DC is such a sweet place to be.  Although sometimes it has been good to not feel like I need to document every moment, I also feel that I am missing an artsy part of me just waiting to burst.  I need to take pictures.
-I won't hide in my room, on my bed, everyday to do my homework.  I'm sorry bed, you're comfortable but I need to get out and make library friends...
-Last of all, I'm going to start being excited and positive.  I've totally enjoyed myself here so far but I feel that there are so many more faces, places and activities to be involved with.  It's time that I really appreciate my opportunity here.

That's my rambling for the night.  I hope to be posting Jessica & Stash's pictures soon, as I have neglected to complete them. For now, I uncover the old...

My sweet pea, the chuck-meister.


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