Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sweetest Girl

Too busy of a week and I needed a break... maybe next time I'll rehearse a little more next time : )

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Deaf Literature: Assignment 2

Ayisha Knight is a Deaf poet who has performed on Def Poetry; a show created by Most Def. The poem that she performed on this show, she also used to create a video that includes music, pictures, signing and words that tied her thoughts together. It is a very impacting clip and interesting how she takes a visual thought of oppression, not just because she is Deaf but, from many parts of her life.

This clip seems to be focused on not just the ideas of being Deaf but also the many aspects of life, her experiences and the labels that have given to her. I like that she did not just stick to one mode but continued to express herself throughout the clip in many different ways. Because she did not stay consistent with ASL and speaking only of her life as a Deaf person I would consider it Deaf Literature.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Deaf Literature: Discovering what it means

Currently I am in a Deaf literature class and we are constantly asking ourselves, "what is it literature?".  This is really a prevalent question within the class because the Deaf community is consistently being challenged that they don't have literature.  Literature comes in so many forms and to restrict it to just text would be boring.

Last week in class Deb assigned us to start searching for material online and bring it to the class, challenging each other with the question, "is this literature?".  This is a poem in ASL that uses both ASL and SEE (signing exact english) so my challenge is, is this still ASL literature?  It uses a different form to express different perspectives in Deaf my question is, does it have a positive impact with the choice of mode he uses?  My opinion is that this is Deaf Lit but not ASL Lit.  It uses different parts of signing to create a connection between all Deaf people.  Although it may use both SEE and ASL to express its point, it shows that all Deaf people are connected through their heritage no matter how much variety in language there may be.