Sunday, January 31, 2010

The weekend

Day 30

The last weekend of the month and I don't have nothin.  I was going to take a picture of the moon but its so freakin cold outside.  Plus, I was involved with kick off.  Check it.

Day 31

I bought new paintbrushes! They're so beautiful. Today I worked on homework all day and also finished up an art project I'd been working on for a craftswap I participated in.  Honestly, I'm an awful partner to have.  We were supposed to send our craft out on the 25th but I failed.  My partners craft came in the mail Wednesday and it was soo good.  I hope she likes mine just as much.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 29


It was my fault, I totally broke (Menan's) plastic plates.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 28


The simplicity of Goodness.  
This is what helps me get through college.. peanut butter and the blueberries my mom sent me in the mail. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Weekend of 22-24

I kept taking shots of Kayla. In the second picture she's signing "stop!" ...Sorry. I can't help it.

I have been spending sooo much time getting ready for kick-off. The girls and I have been practicing everyday for a little while now. This is my excuse for not getting pictures posted.

Day 26

Okay. So, officially now, I've only missed a few days of this 365 deal. I'm catchin up. I went to Lawarence Burkholders home at a retirement community last night. He was great. He's 92, fought in WW2, and was the president of Goshen College for 14 years. He told me, "I'm one of the older ones living here. Not a lot of people from my generation are around. My friends are passing away...and its strange". That is strange. I can't imagine living so long and not knowing many people from my life because they have died. He went on saying, "Ya know, I still want to travel.." ....I asked him where he wanted to go... "...I want to go to Boston, Pennsylvania..I even want to go to Europe". I told him he should go for it.

Day 27

Today Menski asked me "Gel, can you see me through your crack?"

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Day 21

I'm beyond the point of exhaustion. I feel like I've gone without good sleep for a straight two weeks now. Music is keepin me going. Today I was walking around with my ipod (I generally think its pretty rude and unsocial, makes walking through the cold a little less harsh) and I felt like I was in a movie - like my life had a soundtrack to it. It made it all the while a little more fun. If you could pick one song to soundtrack your life, what would it be?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New 365 Spot

I totally ran out of room on Flickr! Geez. I'm going to start posting my 365 pics here on my blog because I don't way to pay the freakin 25 bucks for pro. So lame.

Day 17

I drove back from home on Sunday and on my way back the fog was pretty. It's been chilly out with a little snow on the ground, but its just about right. I really loved how simple it felt.

Day 18

I got two pairs of these ridiculous glasses over break. I honestly love them. Won't lie.

Day 19

Yup. The infamous nose mug.

Day 20

I shot some photos with Patrick today for his perspective article in the Record. This was his idea. He was writing about equality and his ring symbolizes this idea for him. I actually ended up loving this one the most.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A rencountering.

I wasn't expecting to come home so early, but this past Tuesday my great uncle passed away. I almost resented going home; not because I didn't want to be there for my family but because I, selfishly enough, wasn't ready. I didn't anticipate the feelings that came up, the family that I encountered and the connection I felt. Death brings up so many crazy feelings and memories. It makes you face so many questions and almost drives you mad..all in the same bit.

Seven years ago when my Grandpa died I didn't attend his funeral. Now, this isn't because I was bitter towards him or I didn't want to go-there was a missions trip that I had been planning on going on, paid for and on top of all that I was with him the day he died....that was my justification anyway. Today I realized how much I regret this decision. I mean, I was only 13, who let me decide this anyway? Today I rencountered the feelings I had seven years ago with my Grandpa passing away. I miss him incredibly and will never forget what an incredible man he was.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

inspring blogging vs. mine

I was just recently (like I do often) reading my friends blog. She's super inspiring all the time in her blog. So much insight and awesome thoughts are expressed. Ha, its funny..half the time my stuff is either super depressing, or, maybe too raw? Not sure. I like what she has to say though.

Although I realize I mainly do this blog for my own satisfaction (aka, no one really reads this..) I'm going to post her site anyway...

For those of you who actually read this. Enjoy. I always do.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Quote of the Day

I read an article today about how to be confident about yourself. One section, specifically, talked about finding your confidence when going to parties. I can't say this is the most significant thing in life but I still liked what it said:

"Make everyone feel special. Look them straight in the eye and give them warmth & attention"

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'm like whoah.

First day of classes and I'm like whoah. This is going to be quite the semester. When I got into town I was scrambling to get things done..trying to hang out with people, cut hair, get my books, register, its been redick.

I'm sad to see my friends leave for Cambodia and Peru, but I'll survive. They'll have an awesome time.

Most of all. I'll miss my roommate, Kel.