Monday, March 29, 2010

Studio Photoshoot with Cord

Cord Came to visit for the weekend!  What fun.  I got a few shots of her after we were finished with our all day shoot.  We threw a few ideas around and this is what we came up with.. Enjoy.   

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Recent Photography


The women on Campus participated in the health week that is going on at GC-on Tuesday night it was "Women's Art" night.  One of the first things we did was make collages and whatever kind of art on huge pieces of paper.  Then we went downstairs to the basement and did body casting-seriously, the time of my life! It was such a liberating moment to just get naked with a bunch of girls and produce art from your own body.  It's cool to celebrate the beauty of women : )

Recently I did some portrait head shots for my friend Jay.  He needed them for theater for a few shows he may be in this summer.  He was teaching me the ropes on what a headshot should look like.

My recent visit to Fort Wayne I went to the Dash-in, a bar down town that my (almost) brother-in-law and my sister were playing at.  Shortly after they started my boyfriend David and I decided to move closer to check them out.  Then we got carded....I really hate being 20 sometimes.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Favorite Pieces of D.C.

Nose rings, headphones in..this guy was rockin out

When we arrived on Saturday we explored the city...

 Inside Union Station there was a barber shop that was pretty sweet..

The messiest fountain.


 Everyday we rode the metro to get around the city

My favorite shot from the week

This is Laura.  She is a Deaf student at Gallaudet that Heather knew from camp.  She showed us around the campus and took us to different events.  She is quite possibly the sweetest person I know.

I'm sure they thought I was taking a picture of them...don't be mistaken, it was of Kayla's reflection.

 A few days before we got to D.C. we realized the guy's Goshen choir would be there at the same time.. crazy business.  We went to see them at this gorgeous Catholic church..


Site seeing was great.  I had seen the city before, but its always a little different with a camera in hand.. 




Chinatown?  Not too impressive.

 The best thing to come home to.