Monday, August 2, 2010


My buddy Daniel has been interning for a company called Plywerk.  It is a company that prints and mounts your art and/or photography onto a piece of wood.  Sound appealing?  I was first not totally sold on the whole deal until I checked out the website (this is your cue It's a very modern and chic way to make any piece look professional (well, I thought so anyway once I had mine in my hands) and..they're green!  It seems to me that they like to have a environmentally safe plan for their company...

But anyway, enough about the logistics.  Here's my little piece of ply.
    And the back.. it has a handy little keyhole for hanging

  Mine is a 4x4 little guy, but its such a perfect size and will be a sweet edition to my posters and other pictures decorating the I just need to hang it up : )

Now, one last thing to all you students and artists out get 20% off with Plywerk!  An even better incentive (besides the fact that its sweet) to buy a little piece of mounting for your work.

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