Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Weekend of 22-24

I kept taking shots of Kayla. In the second picture she's signing "stop!" ...Sorry. I can't help it.

I have been spending sooo much time getting ready for kick-off. The girls and I have been practicing everyday for a little while now. This is my excuse for not getting pictures posted.

Day 26

Okay. So, officially now, I've only missed a few days of this 365 deal. I'm catchin up. I went to Lawarence Burkholders home at a retirement community last night. He was great. He's 92, fought in WW2, and was the president of Goshen College for 14 years. He told me, "I'm one of the older ones living here. Not a lot of people from my generation are around. My friends are passing away...and its strange". That is strange. I can't imagine living so long and not knowing many people from my life because they have died. He went on saying, "Ya know, I still want to travel.." ....I asked him where he wanted to go... "...I want to go to Boston, Pennsylvania..I even want to go to Europe". I told him he should go for it.

Day 27

Today Menski asked me "Gel, can you see me through your crack?"

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