Saturday, January 16, 2010

A rencountering.

I wasn't expecting to come home so early, but this past Tuesday my great uncle passed away. I almost resented going home; not because I didn't want to be there for my family but because I, selfishly enough, wasn't ready. I didn't anticipate the feelings that came up, the family that I encountered and the connection I felt. Death brings up so many crazy feelings and memories. It makes you face so many questions and almost drives you mad..all in the same bit.

Seven years ago when my Grandpa died I didn't attend his funeral. Now, this isn't because I was bitter towards him or I didn't want to go-there was a missions trip that I had been planning on going on, paid for and on top of all that I was with him the day he died....that was my justification anyway. Today I realized how much I regret this decision. I mean, I was only 13, who let me decide this anyway? Today I rencountered the feelings I had seven years ago with my Grandpa passing away. I miss him incredibly and will never forget what an incredible man he was.

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