Thursday, September 4, 2008

ASL 101

Today was my first day of ASL (American Sign Language). I am so excited about the class. Our teacher is actually deaf herself, so it puts a whole new perspective on the class. We had two interpreters sitting in the back of the class today telling us what she was saying, but in a few days we won't have one anymore. That'll be something. She told us that we have to leave our "voices" at the door and only sign what we know or can. She said that it is just respectful in the deaf and non deaf culture to not be rude by not speaking.
I have about a five minute video that kinda shows how it was... I just turned on my camera randomly during class. She's not really talking about anything specific, so I don't expect anyone to watch the whole thing, its just kinda interesting to see how she works.


lydia said...

i read all your blogs! i can't believe you can't speak anything in that class. do you know any sign language? i know the star spangled banner. let me know if you want me to teach it to you. it'll probably get you really far in that class-lydia

Angelica Katherine said...

yea.. you should probably teach me it. right now i only know signs from the song "what a wonderful world" ((the one that we learned at croninger in the library with mrs. stucky))
thus far, it hasn't really helped me communicate anything with the teacher, other than telling her that the "trees are green" outside.

lydia said...

oh yeah that's how i know the star spangled banner too! gotta love mrs. stucky. haha i'm commenting you while your in the house.

Jon Parrent said...

I think I can sign my name....

Angelica Katherine said...

you'll have to show me that sometime jonny. work on it until i get home.