Friday, February 24, 2012

A Normal Day

Apart of the interpreter profession is waiting.  Sometimes you go to a doctor's appointment for your Deaf client and you wait.  Some Deaf people are super friendly and are interested in who you are, some tell you their life story and others just blatantly ignore you.  Every person is different and you have to respect that, roll with the punches..go with flow.  It's all apart of the job : )

This was a clip that I found in a magazine during one of those times waiting... I thought it was pretty funny ; )

 One thing that will always stay true about me: I am addicted to thrift stores.  This is a strange addiction for many reasons....
1.  If I have the time, 99% of the opportunities that present themselves in thrift store form, I take them.
2.  If I need to calm down, relax/de-stress myself...I go to a thrift store.  There's something about it that makes me at ease, probably because there are too many things around me to keep me focused on my stress.
3.  At regular stores, I go to the sale thrift stores, I go the sale rack.  It simple doesn't matter where I am..I have to find the best deal.
4.  I have been known to be in a thrift store for hours... too much?

Last week on my way to Kissimmee I got VERY distracted by thrift stores.  My plan was to leave town early so that I'd beat rush hour.  Whoah did I miss the mark here... I ended up being at two different thrift stores for almost 2 1/2 hours.  This resulted me in the middle of rush hour...competely.  Why do they call it "rush" hour anyway?  It doesn't last only an hour and there's no hurry because no one moves... no sense at all.  Anyways...back to my point.  The jacket on the left was something I walked away with.  There wasn't a price tag on it, I noticed a few snags but it was a really nice coat that fit me.  I asked someone about it and he told me he'd give it to me for $15.  Well by the end of my visit he noticed I was at the register without the coat.  He said..."now this doesn't look right.." I explained to him that I'm a college student and I just couldn't justify the $15.  Then he gave it to me for $9.  What a day!

He went straight into traffic through 3 lanes....need I say more?  Come on Florida.

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